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On January 27-28 Focus on the Family will be airing Norman Wright’s interview What to Do When Tragedy Impacts Your Family I - II. On the scheduled airdate, the program will appear on our episode page. Here are the links:

This interview originally aired in 2019 and is based on Norm’s book When it Feels Like the Sky is Falling. The book can be purchased on our website for $7.49.

To watch Norman Wright’s Celebration on Life online Click here Due to technical difficulties skip to 37 minutes into service to begin

We have some sad news to share with you. On Sunday, November 12th, Norm wright passed away and entered his savior’s presence. Norm’s contagious enthusiasm for ministering to people and the exceptional compassion he put into his counsel left a significant and meaningful impact on countless thousands of lives through the years. Though he will be deeply missed, Norm's ministry will undoubtedly endure, leaving a lasting legacy of faith and service, impacting future generations. please click on the link below to view his obituary.


Who is Norm?

H. Norman Wright was a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist and he has taught in the Grad. Department of Biola University. He was former director of the Graduate Department of Marriage, Family and Child Counseling at Biola University, as well as an Associate Professor of Psychology. He was also Associate Professor of Christian Education and Director of the Graduate Department of Christian Education at the Talbot School of Theology. At the present time he is Research Professor of Christian Education at this same institution. He was in private practice for over thirty years.

Dr. Wright is a graduate of Westmont College, Fuller Theological Seminary (M.R.E.), Pepperdine University (M.A.). He has received two honorary doctorates, D.D. and D.LIT, from the Western Conservative Baptist Seminary and Biola University respectively.In 2015 he graduated with his D.Min. from Phoenix School of Theology.


He is the author of over ninety books including Experiencing Grief, The New Guide to Crisis and Trauma Counseling, Recovering From the Losses of Life, Quiet Times for Couples, and Before You Say I Do. Dr. Wright has pioneered Premarital Counseling programs throughout the country. He conducts seminars on Parenting, Recovering from the Losses of Life, Trauma and Crisis Counseling, and Marriage Enrichment. Read More




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“Sometimes we disfigure ourselves by what we think about ourselves rather than by what we do to ourselves. Some people have been disfigured emotionally because of what others did to them when they were children. Sometimes our memory banks become warehouses of beliefs and feelings that cripple our progress.”
— H. Norman Wright